What My Saved Drafts Say About Me

Sometimes people ask me “how do you get your ideas?” Just the other day I was texting with a friend who asked me where I come up with all of the articles I write and send her. “Sometimes I will read…


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The Facebook 5

The good old days!

Following on from the previous post about my experience at StartUp 2016, I’d like to share 5 wonderful Insights I gained from Oliver Sewell of Facebook.

1. 90% of fb users access fb from their mobile and from their total time on mobile, they spend 1 out of every 5 minutes on fb… a strong Facebook presence is VITAL.

2. There is a shift from text based to visual based communication. Mobile screens are getting bigger and this is driving visual content. People only need to see an image for 13 miliseconds to identify it. The human brain perceives images 60,000 times faster than words… IMAGES ARE VERY IMPORTANT to convey your brand and message!

3. The way we gather information is evolving. There is a shift from search to discovery. There is a gigantic and ever increasing amount of information on the internet. The fb newsfeed is an incredibly powerful discovery platform. The complex algorithms not only keep us updated on our nearest and dearest, but they also learn about our tastes and interests and create a personalised newsfeed with relevant information… Computers are like elephants; it’s scary how much they can learn about us and never forget!

4. Here’s an interesting fact; 6 out of the 10 most used apps globally are messaging apps. Facebook pages incorporate messaging, allowing customers to connect with businesses… Facebook messenger is a massive opportunity for customer engagement!

5. Social media and the way we engage with each other is constantly evolving. It began with text based communication, camera phones then gave rise to photos on a massive scale and in recent times, powerful smart phones give us easy access to videos… The future is VIRTUAL REALITY… just imagine the power of smart phones in 10 years!

The future!

There we have it… for now at least!

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